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Online Records & Security

For many, the internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. We use it to communicate, work, shop, and more. But with all the convenience that the internet brings, there are also risks to your personal information that you may not be aware of. Hackers, scammers, and identity thieves are lurking online, waiting for the perfect opportunity to steal our sensitive personal information. That’s why online privacy and safety should always be a top priority. Here are some ways to protect yourself online and avoid becoming a victim of cybercrime.


Even Google® May Not Find This

While a simple Google® search might reveal surface-level information, it’s essential to perform a “deep search” with an advanced public records search engine to uncover more comprehensive details. By searching your own name on a public records or background check site you will be able to reveal what Google® may not show and get a more complete picture of what’s out there about you. Some background check services also provide dark web monitoring and alerts to help prevent your sensitive personal information from being sold or used nefariously on the dark web. Other providers can generate automatic updates and alerts when there are any changes or updates to your public record profile.

Strengthen Passwords

One of the best ways to secure your online accounts is to use a strong password. Avoid using easy-to-guess passwords like “password123” or “123456”. Instead, create unique and complex passwords that include a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. You can also use a password manager to generate and store your passwords securely.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security to your online accounts by requiring a second factor, such as a fingerprint scan or a unique code, in addition to your password. This makes it much harder for hackers to access your accounts, even if they manage to crack your password.

Be Careful with Public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi networks, like those in cafes, airports, and libraries, can be a goldmine for hackers. They can easily intercept and steal your personal information, such as your passwords and credit card details, when you connect to an unsecured Wi-Fi network. To protect yourself, avoid accessing sensitive information on public Wi-Fi networks. If you must use them, use a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your data.

Use Private Search Engines

Most search engines, like Google® and Bing, collect your search data and use it to show you targeted ads. If you’re concerned about your privacy, consider using privacy-focused search engines like DuckDuckGo or StartPage. These search engines don’t collect or store your search data and protect your online privacy.

Search Their Name

If you’re dating online or curious about the background of a neighbor, conducting a background check can help you protect yourself and your family. You can use an online background check service to search public records and criminal histories to learn more about a person’s past. This can help you make better-informed decisions and avoid dangerous or risky situations.

Background Check Laws

The FOIA and various state-based transparency laws permit public access to certain governmental records. Background check platforms must honor federal and state legislations, like the FCRA, especially when data influences decisions in employment or housing. It’s crucial to remain FCRA-aware and utilize services that align with regional and national regulations.


In conclusion, protecting your online privacy and safety is more important than ever. By taking these simple steps, you can reduce the risk of becoming a victim of cybercrime and browse the internet with confidence. Strengthen your passwords, enable two-factor authentication, be cautious with public Wi-Fi, use privacy-focused search engines, and search public records online to stay aware and safe online.

START HERE – Try searching yourself, an online date, significant other or anyone you might know…

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